Travel & Accommodation

Travel & Accommodation

Book flight and accommodation through a travel agent – if something goes wrong he will be in a better position to solve the problem.

A travel agent based in the city of the event has more experience on flights to his country and local accommodation. You will need him for information and advice during your stay.

Ask the event organizer to recommend a travel agent in his city.

Upon arrival:

– Change money to the local currency
– Put your watch to local time
– Get a plan of the city, find the event venue
– Check in your hotel or apartment
– Call the event organizer and/or the travel agent


We advise you to stay near Plaka, the picturesque old town under the Acropolis where our offices are located. To spend less time in transport stay near a metro station. Taxi fare is low, less than 8 euros within Athens.

Book early, May through September is high season. All hotel staff know Dora Stratou Dance Theater, tell them you are with it.

Travel agency: Lumen Travel, Nikis 52, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens. Phone +30 210 331 3738Mobile +30 690 688

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