Online Teleconferences

Teleconferences aim at presenting various views on a subject, have several speakers and allow much time to discussion. they are organized by CID Sections, with assistance by the CID Secretariat.


– Open to all, free of charge, provided they validate their email address and send their full data to the CID Secretariat.
– Duration of each session: 2 hours on average.
– Two or more speakers each time, then questions to them, discussion.
– One working language per session (no translating).
– Program and details are similar to teleconferences (see specifications there).
– Moderator can be the Section President or another CID Member with her approval.
– A Section can specialize in one or several themes.
– Announcement and proceedings (i.e. text or Powerpoint sent by the speaker) posted at the website of the Section and/or at CID Writings.
– Send announcement before the 12th of the month, plus poster and/or flyer (a flyer has much more text than a poster).
– Design a poster and/or a flyer to post at social media (dimensions differ for Facebook, Instagram etc.). Send it to the CID Secretariat.
– Attend Teleconferences by other CID Sections to get ideas.
– Promote your nationally, while CID promotes internationally. Success is measured mainly by the number of persons attending.

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