Emmeleia Festival 2024

Last updated: 20/09/2024

You are cordially invited to perform at the Emmeleia annual festival. It is a high level event endorsed by the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO

Companies, duos and solos of all forms of dance from dozens of countries will perform in this historical dance theatre opposite the Acropolis of Athens, cradle of Western civilization.

Teachers can award the International Certification to their students/dancers

Assistance to performers and accompanying persons in obtaining a visa.

The Dora Stratou Dance Theatre celebrates its 71st year in 2024  www.GRdance.org

To register write to ExecSec@CID-world.org

Information on endorsed events at  www.Events.CID-world.org


Festival registration

  1. Send your professional profile (if you are not a CID Member already). You will receive a reply within a week.
  2. After approval send Membership fee plus Festival registration for all persons (dancers, musicians, assistants).
  3. You will receive an attestation that they are Members of the CID registered as Festival participants. With this document you can contact sponsors and apply for a visa to the European Union.


                                       Detailed information for World Festival participants


CID membership plus Festival registration is required for performers, musicians and backstage assistants. No other fee is charged. Fees are not refundable.

Upon check-in conferees receive their badge (to wear at all times), a dancer’s bag containing the detailed program, information material and gifts by sponsors.

Check-in is necessary. It takes place 10:00 to 13:00 Monday to Wednesday at the Dora Stratou office building in Plaka (see venues below).


Non-performing persons either register as Festival participants to apply for a visa and assist you in dressing rooms, or enter as other spectators without access to stage or backstage. Entrance: 10 euros at the theatre ticket office


All participants cover their travel, stay and other expenses. They must be insured for the duration of their stay in the country.


Book a flight at least one day before the Festival. Prefer accommodation near a metro station (our theater and our offices are located next to the Acropolis, in Plaka).

Recommended travel agency:  Lumen Travel, Nikis 52, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens. Phone +30 210 331 3738   Mobile +30 690 688 9977   www.LumenTravel.com    Info@LumenTravel.com   facebook.com/LumenTravel


Stage test (not full rehearsal) is a few minutes only to get acquainted with the stage – it takes place the evening before the performance.

A USB stick with music must be brought at rehearsals for time check and for performance.


Time on stage is limited since the audience is composed of specialists: up to 5 minutes for solos plus one minute for every other performer (example: 10 minutes for a group of 6 persons). Eventual narrative should be included in the music recording within the allocated time (no microphone on stage).

We recommend watching all other performances as a courtesy to your colleagues.


Performers can make their own video recording if they wish. Professional photographers are available at the theatre for photos and video.

SCHEDULE – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

MORNING: 10:00 to 12:00 check-in and meetings at our office building

AFTERNOON: 17:30 stage test (not full rehearsal) at the Theatre the day your performance

EVENING: 20:30 Certification awarding ceremony and performances at the Dora Stratou Theater, Philopapou Hill


Bring flyers or handouts to distribute. Send link to your website to be posted at the festival website.

Books, music, costumes or other material can be exhibited or sold – ask us 2 weeks ahead, we assist but do not assume responsibility.


Mornings 10:00 to 13:00 – Dora Stratou office building, Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens. A 5 storey historical mansion built around 1870 containing a dance library, a lecture hall and a collection of 2000 village-made traditional costumes. Tel. +30 210 324 4395,  +30 210 324 6188

Afternoons and evenings – Dora Stratou Dance Theatre & School, Philopappou Hill, opposite the Acropolis entrance. A garden theatre with a very large stage and 860 seats. Normal lighting and sound conditions, wooden floor, not polished. Tel. +30 210 921 4650  www.GRdance.org

Please scan the QR code for Festival venues location ! 



Visit museums and archaeological sites, combine with holidays, the nearest beach being only 15 minutes away. We recommend the Dionysos Theater (the oldest dance theatre in the world) the Pnyx Hill (the exact birthplace of democracy) and of course the Acropolis, all at a few minutes’ walk.

                                                           P R O G R A M

Under the patronage of:


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